
Scotch & French Broom in Marin

A great video on the reality of French and Scotch Broom in Marin County, including history, the fire risk they pose, and efforts to manage these invasive species.

Resources for Families & Communities from FireSafe Marin

FireSafe Marin offers extensive resources, including a guide to harden your home against fire, tips to prepare for evacuations with neighbors, and periodic chipper days to help remove fuel from your property.

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South Lake Tahoe Saved by Fuel Reduction in Woodlands Adjacent to Neighborhoods

“We had been preparing for this moment for many years,” Milici said. “The work done by residents to protect their own selves and homes greatly contributed to the firefighters being able to save homes. It has been a crucial component.”

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Parcel Maps of San Pedro Ridge

MarinMap Viewer is a great tool for understanding where private property and public lands meet throughout the county.

Avenza Maps App - A Great Tool for Understanding Where You Are

When working across public and private lands, it's essential to know who owns the parcel you're on. The Avenza Maps app is a tool to know where you are and who to ask for permission and partnership to work on the land. And, it's free!